On this page we have prepared a few questions and answers for you that arise frequently.

You may already find your request below.

If your topic is not included, please contact us personally at any time! You can find our contact details unter “Contact”.

Goods with logo embellishment can only be returned as a size exchange. Unless they do not correspond to the order. In this case, ANTHOLZER GmbH & Co. KG bears the costs for the return shipment.

In all cases, please enclose a completed return slip, otherwise we may not be able to process your request correctly and promptly.

If you have any further questions, please refer to our cancellation policy.

You select your desired item with Krinner finishing as usual and fill the shopping cart accordingly.

In the shopping cart itself, proceed to the checkout, but do not complete the order, but fill out the FINISHING REQUEST with your request. You also have the option of sending us your logo to receive an even more precise quote.

We know your desired articles through the shopping cart and your need for individual finishing through the text with attachment. This means that we can usually prepare a detailed quote for you within 48 hours.

You can find more information here.

The prices are shown net and do not include 19% VAT.

We ship with DHL.

Employee orders are sent as a collective delivery to Krinner in Straßkirchen, so there are no shipping costs.

Orders from Krinner partners to other EU countries are shipped by DHL.

Our prices include the packaging costs and the statutory VAT.

The store offers the following payment options for additional payments:

Credit card

Krinner partners can purchase on account for the 2nd order.

Simply contact our team under CONTACT, we have access to over 50 manufacturers and offer a wide range from head to toe, from helmets to rubber boots.

Our PRIVACY POLICY covers all eventualities. In particular, the transfer to third parties with the following special feature:

Antholzer KG, Ohmstraße 3, 84137 Vilsbiburg, Germany, transmits the personal data collected for contract processing to the company Sano Die Tier-Ernährer, Grafenwald 1, 84180 Loiching, Germany, with the customer’s consent. This includes the following data:

Company name of the customer
Company address of the customer
Number and type of refinements by logo
Order value
Consent data of the customer
This is done so that Sano can allocate a purchase on the basis of this data and grant the desired discount. The granting of consent is voluntary and can be revoked in whole or in part at any time with effect for the future without affecting the legality of the data processing carried out on the basis of the consent. The revocation can be declared in text form (e.g. letter, fax, e-mail) within 14 days, without giving reasons. In the event of an effective revocation, the services received by both parties must be returned and any benefits derived (e.g. interest) surrendered. The costs of the return shipment shall be borne by the customer if the delivered goods correspond to those ordered, otherwise the return shipment shall be free of charge. Finished articles are excluded from returns once the order has been clarified.

The transmitted data shall be stored by Haas in accordance with the statutory retention periods (3 years for the consent of the customer).

The selected clothing for the employees and partners of Krinner Schraubfundamente, which you are authorized to order, is displayed here.